Twin Moons

Your gateway to Personal Growth, Empowerment & Development of Consciousness

Personal Development & Life Coaching

Exploring how to manage the challenges of a 3D life while transitioning into awareness that you are a multi-dimensional being. Becoming an empowered individual means exploring Intention, Focus & Accountability – to Own your life, not to be a Passenger. 

Spiritual & Consciousness Development

As a Mind/Body/Spirit complex you are not a Human having a Spiritual Experience, you are a Spirit having a Human Experience. Gain an understanding of your Fractal nature.  Through Quantum DNA activations, Energetic attunement & awareness, consciousness will be better understood, explored & expanded.

Clearings & Activations

Identification and removal of energetic blockages, stale energetic states & non-optimal elements or programing that are interfering with your development & growth.  Along with specifically attuned template upgrades & activations 

Biohacking & You

Take personal accountability for physical as well as Spiritual & Emotional health by exploying Biohancking & its benefits

Biohacking Portal
Trinity Stars

Preparation & gateway to the Trinity Star Light Body Activation & Lumination Program.  Trinity Stars will also Supply a range of Conscious activating products such as Ting-Sha’s, Encoded Candles, Programmed Crystals, Torsion & Scalar products.

Trinity Stars
Consciousness Web Services

A unique Website Design, Development & Support offering is available via Twin Moons, leveraging 25+ years IT experience combined with indepth Esoteric, Psychic and Consciousness community exposure & knowledge.

Website Construction
What is Twin Moons & Why am I different

Twin Moons accepts that many paths exist for many reasons, helping you to understand & navigate these paths is our mission – In Service to All

My name is Sean, someone who is just like you – a Spiritual person having an intense Human experience, seeking understanding. Since my earliest years I have had a strong empathic ability to feel others energy bodies, along with an innate connection to my Higher Self, Guide teams & Source.  By leveraging these talents & exploring the energies surrounding us, I have insights & experience in reading, interacting & managing these energies that I can share with you. 
What does this mean & how can I help you on your awakening journey? – I can provide insights, help you identify and enhance your natural talents, assist to remove obstacles (energetic, emotional & professional) and provide a pathway for personal expansion & triggering growth through meditations, activations & exercises tailored to your unique journey. The Journey is so much more important than any specific destination.

Key Areas of Research & Interest

At Twin Moons we will also share insights, presentations & work packages associated with areas of research & interest, with an aim to expand community awareness & participation.

Earth Grid Sites

As a part of Gaia’s ascension & re-establishment of her 5th Dimensional aspect,  a new Energetic Grid network has been built.  Research includes supporting this grid, activating & aligning key nodal points & clearing energy blockages.

Cosmology & Earth Changes

Exploring our Universal fractal nature and how this can be leveraged in a day to day context. Exploring what it is to be a Creative Individual within a Singlular collective. Also looking at how Earth changes will influence our development Physically & Spiritually.

Earth Changes
Law of One & Everyday Life

Exploring & workshopping practical application of LoO philosphy as a guide to everyday life.  Service to Other/All & Service to Self choices, Living a Service based incarnation & how this promotes individual growth. 

What does it mean – We Are One
Ancient CIvilisations & Consciousness

Exploring the many past civilisations (Kmt, Lemuruan, Mu, Atlantean, Mayan to name but a few), breaking out of a linear mindset of Human developent – to adopt the Cyclic model of expansion/contraction aligned to the “Great Year” cycle.

Ancient Egypt Series

Latest Twin Moons News

It is easy to miss key updates & topics of Interest – Keep up to date by following the latest posts, updates & items of interest in Twin Moon’s Blog.

What is Happening & Where are we Heading?

Blessings Beautiful Souls, These are certainly interesting times we are living in (and I don’t mean “Interesting” as per the so called ‘curse’ – “May you live in Interesting Times”).[…]

Read more

When the Many become ONE

As a foreword to this update (which includes content downloaded/shared from my Light Team) – I understand that the topics I am going to discuss & insights (including our Multi-Dimensional[…]

Read more

Bookings & Contact Us

To book a session or drop us a line at Twin Moons please simply complete the contact/query sections below.  Please make your session request or query as detailed as possible.

Book a Session

Twin Moons is now taking requests for sessions.  Please click the book a session button & submit a session request query (please include location/timezone & I will respond with a set of suitable/available times that may suit).

Terms & Conditions

1. When a booking is made & confirmation of the date/s & time/s of Skype Sessions is made it is assummed that work will go forward unless a minimum of 48 hours notice is given. If notice is less than this time a 50% surcharge will be made for the missed session & either a refund for the remaining or charge to move forward to another date & time (at my discretion). In the event of technical difficulties or extraordinary circumstances for either party this may be reviewed at my discretion at the time.
2.    It is the individual’s responsibility to be timely to sessions.  Please leave sufficient time before & after a session to adjust to the changes in energy that may occur before returning to normal duties or driving. If you are more than 15 minutes late it will be assummed that the session is not to go ahead. This will result in no refund being provided as the time was booked & wasted.
3.       Some live sessions have content requirements to be completed prior to attending a scheduled date, pleases make sure that if this is the case that this is completed.
4.   On rare occasions, there may be changes to a live session including the venue, date & time. In this unlikely event, I offer an alternative schedule or other arrangements where possible.
5.   All content is protected under international copyright & trademark laws. This includes manuals, videos, audio tracks, text, images & any other items. All Content is for personal use only and may NOT be shared with others, copied, modified, translated or distributed unless specifically authorised. Copyright or trademark infringement may result in legal prosecution.
6. The feedback for my Sessions & teachings has been overwhelmingly positive. However, due to the spiritual & personal development nature of this type of work, it is unable to guarantee or make any claim to individual results. There are many factors that influence an individual’s experience including personal beliefs, sensitivity to energy, openness to new concepts & ability to do introspective work.
7. If a person has any concerns relating to their experience they are encouraged to contact support via the website. By accepting these terms & conditions, you agree not to directly or indirectly express any defamatory or slanderous comment or content in anyway relating to personal work & people via any public method including but not limited to all media, public forums, blogs & social networks.
8. The teaching here introduces ideas & concepts that are aimed at increasing a person’s energetic & spiritual understanding of themselves. Content & correspondence is of an advisory nature only & does not replace appropriate professional advice or healthcare.
9. We are not responsible for any loss, injury or damage caused by the interpretation, use or as a result of any content, technique, activity, product or service provided either directly or indirectly through its courses, products & services. Your statutory rights are not affected.
10. Breach of terms allows the possibility of legal action

Ancient Civilisations Series

Kmt – Ancient Egypt

Any objective study of ancient egypt raises several compelling reasons to believe that the ‘accepted’ story has some significant gaps. For instance the ‘Old Kingdom’ themselves referred to a time ‘before’ its founding known as Zep Tepi (the first time “of the Gods”).  Why does Egyptology refer to these stories as “myth” when those of the Old Kingdon themselves believed in these as ‘true stories’ of the time ‘Before”?  

Zep tepe

Investigation into the stories from the first time ‘before’ the Egyptian old kingdom.  Was the Egyptian civilisation kick-started by the remnants of an advanced culture that preceeded them?

Ancient Destruction

Signs of massive energetic destruction are everywhere in Karnak, Thebes & Abydos, where solid granite statues show extreme damage requiring 000’s of degrees (thought to be caused by Solar Plasma.

Ancient Technology

Why are the oldest pyramids also the most advanced in design? Investigating the Dendara Light & Djed Pillar.

Dendara Light
The missing Pharaoh’s

Investigating the missing years of Aten, when Akhenaten & Nefertiti introduced the Law of One.


Earth Changes

We are in changing times, and it’s more than Climate Change.  We investigate the Cycles of change from a Planetary, Solar System & Galactic point of view.  What does it mean? How will we be effected? Let’s find out.

Earth Changes – Cycle1

Whats is happening on Earth?

Earth Changes
Solar Changes – Cycle 2

Whats happening to our Sun?

Solar Changes
New Times – Cycle 3

New Earth, 5D Earth, Gaia. Big changes ahead!! 

New Earth / GAIA Changes (Update)
Post Changes – Cycle 4

Shape of things to come.
(Coming Soon)