What is Happening & Where are we Heading?

Your gateway to Personal Growth & Empowerment

What is Happening & Where are we Heading?

Blessings Beautiful Souls,

These are certainly interesting times we are living in (and I don’t mean “Interesting” as per the so called ‘curse’ – “May you live in Interesting Times”). This is such a time of fundamental change with significant opportunity for growth, learning & expansion.

What is Happening?

I have been asked by many individuals recently – “What is happening & Where are all these conflicting energies leading us?” It is such a big question, and what I can observe in the External world (“The Illusion”), clearly represents an ACCELERATION in multiple dimensions.

We are seeing Acceleration of Duality in multiple levels

  • Acceleration in 3D Control frameworks towards a more totalitarian model, with its natural opposing forces pushing for personal liberty.
  • Acceleration of relationship challenges, highlighting unhealthy Co-dependency, Issues of ‘LACK’ inherent in the relationship, Unbalanced relationships and those where personal Sovereignty is compromised.
  • Acceleration of fundamental FEAR agenda’s, driving individuals to desired outcomes along with lowering of Vibrational Frequency.

So, what can we do about any of this

  • Limit your intake of Main Stream Media sources – These are Fear Factories. MSM is not a news service – it is a Propaganda and Control tool.
  • We should look to ones own Inner Work. Leverage these times as the ultimate catalyst for Personal & Spiritual Growth.
  • Be kind to others but most importantly be kind to yourself.
  • Give yourself space to hear your inner voice & filter external inputs using maximum discernment (only take onboard information/content that resonates).

Where are we heading?

We have already spoken about these being changing times – but how much change can we expect?

At a Macro level, I expect to see the breakup of Nation states as a consequence of the Duality Agendas in play. Whether that be splitting of Nations from larger Groupings (Like Exits from the European Union), or actual splitting of Nations through secession of individual States (as being voiced in Australia, United States of America, Canada and many other Countries).

At a Micro level, I expect a focus on individual and small community living away from large Urban areas. The “Lockdown” issue and restriction of Personal freedoms is generally concentrated in City/Urban areas, with the larger spaces separating rural living, seen to offer lower risks of such impacts.

Here in the State of Victoria (Australia) over the last year, (for the first time in decades) thousands of households have chosen to move out of the City (Melbourne) for a Rural “Tree Change”; rather than to move TO the City. A Net reduction in City Population. I expect this to increase.

The Big Picture

It is always interesting to look at what is happening on a Solar system or Planetary level (using a wider frame of focus). At this MACRO Macro level, it is all about the ENERGY.

We are not just entering a period of intense Energetic change – we are living it. Looking at the Schumann Resonance, we see many intense Energetic events (like that captured today – Tuesday 8th December here in Australia ).

This is a direct impact on our physical body & Neurological state – as our Brain Waves are ‘Entrained’ to the wavelength of the Primary Schumann Resonant frequency.

In other Earth based events, our Electromagnetic Field is moving & reducing in EM intensity as the Poles move to new locations on the Earth. This reduction in EM strength directly reduces our protection from Cosmic Rays and other Space Bourne Energy sources.

Keep Safe, Keep Calm, Keep Moving & Growing & Keep Loving.

Blessings All

Sean “Twin Moons”