There is only NOW
Hi Beautiful Souls,
In these difficult times, with fear & uncertainty pervading our media, our conversations & raising the specter of our deepest anxieties, it is so important to focus our energy on One thing:
Anything else is simply Experience (otherwise known as your memory of the PAST), or your Imagination focused on a FUTURE that hasn’t happened yet. Without focus, your imagination will conjure anything you focus on (including any number of ‘what if’ scenarios – based on your deep seated unresolved fears).
If you have ever told someone “Not to Worry” or “Forget the Past”, you know how useless these words are. The same is true for “Don’t be afraid of COVID-19”.
In a multi-Dimensional sense, when you focus on the Future (and on ‘What if’s’ that may be thought of as Negative, like “COVID-19”), you are actually giving your Conscious Energy to this possible future – giving it ‘Conscious Density’. In a real sense you are making this future ‘NOW’ more real & magnetising it.
Likewise, focusing on the past is diminishing your Conscious Energy, reducing your ability to focus on & influence the NOW.
Change your Focus, Live in the NOW, give NOW all of your Conscious Energy & that fear will recede, it will loose its hold on you, somehow become less real (and less likely).
And if that fear rears its head again – just Breath – Conscious Breathing will bring your focus back to the NOW – as this is what you are doing NOW – BREATHING.
Breath is Life, Breath is Conscious, Breath is Now.
Blessings All