Sign of the Times
What an incredibly chaotic world we are living in right now. Social Distancing, Fear of Disease, Wall to Wall coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic and now even tracking applications for your mobile/cell phone. Combine these triggers with potential or actual job loss, reduced income & all kinds of financial stress and we have a recipe for extreme anxiety – which results in lowering of your vibrational frequency.
So what can you do to help yourself & those around you?
It always starts with you.
Spend time grounding those chaotic & anxiety driven energies. Turn off that Television. Take a walk (even if its only in your own back yard). Remove your shoes if you have the chance & feel the Earth under your feet.
Touch that tree & feel the bark & the energy all around you. Have you noticed something?
Look up in the sky – its clearer than most of us can remember. Listen to the sounds around you – hear those birds & those frogs. So much clearer & louder.
While we are in this chaotic space – the Earth has calmed down. Her vibration has lifted even higher & she is cleaner/clearer than ever.
Tap into her. Feel her vibration. Stop for a few minutes each day & take that piece of nature into yourself (as it enters your Energy Field). Then share the peace it brings with those around you.
Understand that we live in the ultimate expression of Duality right now. Choose which space you wish to live in. And remember, we are living in times of extreme change & you never know what twist or turn will happen next – just go with the flow.
Remember – you will be okay.
Blessings All.