Earth & Solar System Changes

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Earth & Solar System Changes

For those interested, some research I have been looking into…

Afternoon (Morning/Evening) Beautiful People,

I am keen to discuss cycles in a Solar System & Galactic context. This is useful in filling in some of the gaps in our understanding of what is happening Energetically on this planet & the Solar System as a whole.

πŸŒβ­οΈπŸ’« Part 1 – Earth & Solar System Cycles πŸ’«β­οΈπŸŒ

⭐️⭐️ Solar Cycles:
You may know that our Sun (Sol/Helios) has storm seasons, just as our Earth/Gaia does. This is noted as periods of elevated Solar Wind, Solar Flares, CME’s & Sun Spots, peaking at “Solar Maximum” & the counterpart of reduced/absent Solar activity centred on the “Solar Minimum”. These natural cycles repeat every approximately 11 years.

Pic 1 – Solar Cycles

Pic 1 illustrates the last few cycles, measured back to 1945. As you can observe, there is a persistent trend in terms of peak intensity of each Solar Maximum cycle – which shows a downward trend. This leads us to a larger cycle that has been suggested as the “Grand Solar Cycle”, where we are approaching what is known as “Grand Solar Minimum”. Historically Grand Solar Minimum is thought to be a pointer to the end of an “Inter-Glacial Period”.

❄️❄️ What is the Inter-Glacial period? It’s the time between Ice Ages (which are regular cyclic Cold periods that have historically occurred on Earth/Gaia every 12000-15000 years).

Pic 2 – Current Solar Cycle

Pic 2 shows our current cycle position at the end of cycle 24 (or indeed the beginning of cycle 25). What is known is that the result of decreased levels of Solar Wind intersecting with our Earth/Gaia — is Elevated levels of Cosmic Rays are permitted impact the planet.

🌏🌏 Electro-Magnetic Pole-Shift Cycles:
Pic 3 illustrates the Electric-Magnetic envelope surrounding Earth/Gaia that protects our planet from all external radiation (Including Solar, Extra-Solar, Galactic or Extra-Galactic sources). What is known is that Cosmic Rays are directly associated with Cloud Nucleus formation, as well as its important role in biological cellular mutation.

Pic 3 – Earths Electro-Magnetic fields

βš‘οΈπŸ’«βš‘οΈCheck in point:
So what do we know – we have entered a period of reduced Solar output (whether it feels hot in Summer or not), increased Cloud formation due to elevated exposure to Cosmic Rays – that will lead to a cooling of the environment.

So, why doesn’t it seem to be getting colder? It’s because Earth/Gaia’s Electro-Magnetic field has been steadily reducing in strength/intensity for the last 200+ years. This reduction in Earth/Gail’s EM field strength let’s more Solar energy enter Earth/Gaia’s climate system

Pic 4 – Decline in Earths Electro-Magnetic (Magnetosphere) strength

Pic 4 illustrates the decline in Earth/Gaia’s EM field strength from its peak in the 1700’s, and the rate of field strength loss is accelerating. A century ago it took an entire century for a 10% reduction in field strength, however a further 10% was lost in the last decade.

Why is this happening & when will it stop & turn around? This is occurring as another cycle that has occurred here on this planet dozens (if not hundreds) of times before – Magnetic Pole Swap. Our North & South Magnetic poles are both moving (at an accelerated rate) as we near this flip point.

Pic 5 – Earths EM Pole movement (1600-2015 North & South Pole)

Pic 5 shows how much the poles have moved (and how this rate of movement is accelerating). The interesting point to note is that the poles are rushing towards eachother in preparation for an elastic-like repulsion, which will result in both poles shifting to their new positions as well as kick-starting an rapid increase in EM field intensity – back towards peak levels (which see’s the Earth/Gaia once again very well protected).

Pic 6 – Estimated new locations of North & South EM poles (SE Asia & Central/South America)

Pic 6 illustrates the likely locations of the “New” North & South Poles.

How lucky are we that at the very time that our protective Electro-Magnetic field is loosing strength in preparation for this pole-Shift, that Grand Solar Minimum appears to have coincided (so Earth/Gaia is hit be less Solar Energy).

Not luck at all – Cycles perfectly aligned through Solar System & Galactic physics.

In the next instalment we will look at Galactic Cycles, including the Procession of the Equinoxes, Galactic Current Sheet cycles & their effects on the Sun & Earth/Gaia.

Blessings All

In Service
