Consciousness Expansion & Triggering
My Awakening Brothers & Sisters, here is a short discussion piece & model to interpret what is happening to all of us – Consciousness Expansion. In addition, I raise for comment / discussion how Triggering events may relate.
>>>Consciousness Expansion<<<
Our consciousness is undergoing expansion that may be described like this –
1). Using an analogy, at first our Consciousness Capacity may be described as the volume of a modest cup. We fill this cup (via successful learning, lessons & service) until it is full (at which point we feel balanced, empowered & confident).
Filling the cup required shadow work/integration, forgiveness, acceptance & alignment as Service to Others/All (STO) with actions in alignment to that polarity.
2). Then we experience a consciousness expanding event (ascension gate energies, personal progress towards 5D alignment, etc – particularly with these Energetic waves turning into an ever increasing torrent).
This causes your Consciousness Capacity described as the cup to expand/grow into a mug, then a bowl, and so on each cycle.
3). When this happens during each cycle of Consciousness Expansion, our cup is no longer full, so the green light is given to provide you further catalysing events through which you can grow, reduce Karma, expand & achieve to fill the new cup.
During this period you once again feel doubt, anger, uncertainty, annoyance and so on.
Feel joy as you are not slipping back (as long as you are continuing to be who you genuinely are – aligned to your authentic self). You are expanding & can now handle that which you may not have been prepared for previously.
>>>Triggering States of Consciousness & Events<<<
As per the model described above, each cycle of Consciousness Expansion brings with it a renewed set of personal, emotional, spiritual & relationship based challenges – at a time when we are once again feeling uncertainty, vulnerability, frustration & any number of often Ego driven states.
It is important to practice mindfulness at all times, but never more so than during Triggering states. We need to employ heart space feeling & detach from intellectual debate or analysis/assessment during these times so that we can accept what we are being presented with (without Cognitive Dissonance) so that we can choose our actions wisely in full heart based understanding of the optimal path for growth.
Understanding that we each filter reality through a Ego/experience/belief lens, that is very much akin to a bubble, we should practice discernment even when feeling triggered – just in case the triggering event is conflicting with our understanding of our reality. Keep your reality bubbles as flexible & permeable as possible.
Don’t be hard on yourself or others during these states, instead practice acceptance, forgiveness & understanding.
>>>Energetic Events/Cycles<<<
It is also vitally important to practice mindfulness & understanding whenever a major energetic event is approaching.
We all feel the ebb & flow of Ascension energies as they have been making their effects known for years, however what once was a regular cycle of peaking energetic ‘waves’ with periods of reduced impact between, has increased in frequency & amplitude to the point that we are being exposed to this ‘Torrent’ of energy constantly. This means our Consciousness is under consistent levels of growth & expansion providing catalyst for increased consciousness frequency.
Another key event is the opening of Ascension Stargates, which bring to 3D a specifically tuned & focused wavelength of energy designed to activate mind/body/spirit complex. These gateway events are so immensely powerful & such a force for activation & change that the ‘effects’ of these events can be felt before, during & after these events.
Remember time & linear existence is an illusion, hence the ‘wash’ from these events are felt across many dimensions, parallel timelines & in a non-linear progression from the events epicentre. Think of these energetic events as a pebble dropped into a pond – the ripples extend in all directions as waves from the point where the pebble entered the water.
Be aware that with the Solstice energetic window opening from 20th – 22nd June (peaking on the 21st), so everyone is exposed right now to peaking energy levels often resulting in triggering (particularly of those not yet awakened).