
Your gateway to Personal Growth & Empowerment

Light Team Channeling Session 1

A channeled session from my Light Team, discussing topics relevent to NOW.

Solar Cycles & potential Micro-Nova

The Solar System is in for some stormy weather.

Earth & Solar System Changes

Big changes happening on Earth – not all simple Climate Change.

Consciousness Expansion & Triggering

My Awakening Brothers & Sisters, here is a short discussion piece & model to interpret what is happening to all of us – Consciousness Expansion.   In addition, I raise for comment / discussion how Triggering events may relate.  >>>Consciousness Expansion<<< Our consciousness is undergoing expansion that may be described like this –  1). Using an analogy, at first…
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New Content Section

Blessings All, With the addition of the Twin moons Content Library page a range of thought provoking & useful content will now become available. First additions include: Twin Moons – Services Brochure 7 Subtle bodies (Informational Sheet) 3rd Eye & Pineal Gland (Informational Sheet) Fibonacci Sequence & Schumann Resonance (Informational Sheet) Consciousness Development Program –…
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Living Life – do what you Love

Starting a new chapter in your life – “Every day is a gift and not a given right – leave fear behind!”