
Your gateway to Personal Growth & Empowerment

New Content Section

Blessings All, With the addition of the Twin moons Content Library page a range of thought provoking & useful content will now become available. First additions include: Twin Moons – Services Brochure 7 Subtle bodies (Informational Sheet) 3rd Eye & Pineal Gland (Informational Sheet) Fibonacci Sequence & Schumann Resonance (Informational Sheet) Consciousness Development Program –…
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Living Life – do what you Love

Starting a new chapter in your life – “Every day is a gift and not a given right – leave fear behind!”

What is Happening & Where are we Heading?

Blessings Beautiful Souls, These are certainly interesting times we are living in (and I don’t mean “Interesting” as per the so called ‘curse’ – “May you live in Interesting Times”). This is such a time of fundamental change with significant opportunity for growth, learning & expansion. What is Happening? I have been asked by many…
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When the Many become ONE

As a foreword to this update (which includes content downloaded/shared from my Light Team) – I understand that the topics I am going to discuss & insights (including our Multi-Dimensional nature) may not resonate with everyone. If it interests you then READ ON… if not, then – Have A GREAT DAY Thanks for Reading On…
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Sign of the Times

What an incredibly chaotic world we are living in right now. Social Distancing, Fear of Disease, Wall to Wall coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic and now even tracking applications for your mobile/cell phone. Combine these triggers with potential or actual job loss, reduced income & all kinds of financial stress and we have a recipe…
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There is only NOW

Hi Beautiful Souls, In these difficult times, with fear & uncertainty pervading our media, our conversations & raising the specter of our deepest anxieties, it is so important to focus our energy on One thing: NOW Anything else is simply Experience (otherwise known as your memory of the PAST), or your Imagination focused on a…
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Antarctica, Black Sun & the Elites

Hey Beautiful People, I noted quite a bit of discussion regarding a necklace worn by Shakira recently & specifically created for her ‘El Dorado’ world tour (Pic 1). Complaints relating to so called Nazi Swaztika similarities were raised (and so this was removed from sale). While it is true that this symbol is associated with…
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Fusion & Electro-Gravitic Patents (US Navy)

Disclosure wrapped up in a series of new US Patents covering Electro-Gravitics, Fusion generators & EM field generators.

Update – Earth/Gaia – Change Cycles Part 3 (Crystal Chakras)

In this update to the 3rd installment in my Solar System Change Cycles series, we will look at these changes from an Esoteric, Consciousness, & Personal changes perspective, including more details relating to the Procession of the Equinoxes, Mayan End-Times & Stories of Energetic Activation, the Harvest & Ascension. This update also includes important aspects…
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Channelling Session Transcript (Olos & Olon)

In this introductory channelling session, I introduce Olos & Olon (two members of my ‘Light Team’), who will address several keys points as they identify aspects of Our reality as well as their own experience of reality from their perspective on the other side of the ‘Veil’.

Earth/Gaia – Change Cycles Part 3

Moving into New Earth or Gaia? What changes are underway?

Gaia’s Breath Meditation

Morning/Afternoon/Evening all you Beautiful Souls,For those interested, a new recording has been added to the Twin Moons Channel – “Gaia’s Breath Meditation”. This Guided meditation will: Help you to better connect & ground with Gaia. Replenish your Chi via simple Breath & Visualisation. Exploring an aspect of your Multi-Dimensional nature. Please take some time for…
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