Antarctica, Black Sun & the Elites

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Antarctica, Black Sun & the Elites

Hey Beautiful People,

I noted quite a bit of discussion regarding a necklace worn by Shakira recently & specifically created for her ‘El Dorado’ world tour (Pic 1). Complaints relating to so called Nazi Swaztika similarities were raised (and so this was removed from sale).

Pic 1 – Shakira jewelry collection & links to Nazi cult

While it is true that this symbol is associated with the Nazi’s, it wasn’t by way of similarity to the swaztika.

⭐️ Nazi /Occult connection:
This symbol represents an occult order with strong Nazi ties & is known as the ‘Black Sun’ (Pic 2). “The intended significance of the image remains unknown, but the artist may have found inspiration from the decorative Merovingian disk” – According to the historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke:

Pic 2 – Nazi Black Sun Cult symbol

“[I]t has been suggested that this twelve-spoke sun wheel derives from decorative disks from the Merovingians of the early medieval period and are supposed to represent the visible sun or its passage through the months of the year. These disks were discussed in scholarly publications during the Third Reich and may well have served the Wewelsburg designers as a model.”

Now this story gets very weird to say the least…

⭐️ Down the rabbit hole:
It seems this symbol has a far older & more exotic lineage if a recent report by investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe is correct. In a recent video update on her Earth Files YouTube channel, Linda presented an interview with a US Military whistleblower who shared his extraordinary experiences in Antarctica, including several missions inside an “Ancient Octagonal Building” made of a black “Obsidian or Basalt” type substance.

Sent in to retrieve a research team who have been deciphering writing & symbols Inside this building, the Mil-Operative presented drawings he noted from the walls, including a symbol identical to the “Black Sun” spoked/radial wheel symbol (Pic 3 & Pic 4).

Pic 3 – Sketch of Symbols on wall as seen in ancient Antarctic ruin
Pic 4 – Sketch close-up of ‘Black Sun’ symbol in Antarctic ruin

Also recorded along-side the wheel symbol was a radiating symbol depicting numerous radial lines converging on a centre point, each depicting one or more circular dots/points along each lines length (Pic 3 & Pic 5).

Pic 5 – Sketch close-up of radial design in Antarctic ruin

According to this report & independent research that I am currently concluding, this symbol is thought to represent the various worlds (extra-terrestrial & possibly extra-dimensional) that were intimately involved with Earth & it’s various species & experimental programs in ancient times (Pic 6 & Pic 7).

Pic 6 – Artists impression of wall markings seen in Antarctic ruin
Pic 7 – Whistle-Blower & artists impression of Radial design on Antarctic ruin

💫 Implications
Whether the ET/ED connection is true or not, the discovery of the “Black Sun” symbol in an extremely ancient building (covered in Antarctic ice), is extraordinary.

Any reference to this symbol associated with Merovingian lines raises many questions, the least of which being – how did the Merovingian’s discover this symbol?

Unlikely that they traveled to Antarctica & discovered the ancient building. Far more likely that some other individuals related the importance of the symbol, or that they possessed ancient lore/knowledge spanning a vast length of time.

It’s identification by the Nazi’s & adoption by an occult group is circumstantial evidence of a Nazi-Merovingian connection or possibly supporting evidence that Nazi’s explored Antarctica & discovered the symbol independently – thus ascribing to it occult & ancient significance.

⭐️ Conclusions
1. The use of this symbol by Shakira represents a link to potential occult ties/significance which, with use of this ancient iconography being more than a poor-taste allusion to Nazi occultism. There is also a strong possible link to Elite groups via use of this symbol (possibly to raise awareness in the general populace or sub-groups).

As QAnon posts have frequently indicated – the elites use of symbols will be their down-fall. Leveraging powerful symbology for domination is a frequently used device of these groups – indicating their perceived superiority to the rest of Humanity.

2. The reports linking the “Black Sun” symbol with ancient buildings in Antarctica is either the most amazing discovery in history, truely pointing to past cultures with high technology in our ancient past, or a tool to invoke Elite claims of right to rule & lineage superiority. In either case, extraordinary in its implications (and either paints LMH as a true independent researcher or a controlled narrative source).

3. If the extra-terrestrial & even extra-dimensional claims are true, then our entire view of our race, our world, our Universe & a true Multi-verse view of existence will be forever changed, if this is supported within the mainstream via some form of official disclosure.

Interesting to think about.

